Database / About

Vision Statement

As a highly technical and specialised area of medicine, cardiothoracic surgery is constantly advancing in techniques and knowledge base. Integral to this advancement is the requirement to ensure the attainment and maintenance of best practice at an individual and national level.

The Australian and New Zealand Society of Cardiac and Thoracic Surgeons (ANZSCTS) views routine systematic collection of data related to each surgical procedure and the monitoring of that data as the cornerstone of best practice. Surgical performance data is communicated to the Australian cardiac surgery community in the hope that knowledge of performance will lead to improved outcomes. The ANZSCTS Database Steering Committee welcomes feedback from participating sites about how to improve program initiatives.

Participating Sites

There are currently 27 public, and 36 private hospitals contributing to the ANZSCTS Cardiac Surgery Database.

Number of cardiac surgeries per year

Number of surgeries captured in database

Number of participating sites


The ANZSCTS Cardiac Surgery Database is an initiative of ANZSCTS. The society established the Australia & New Zealand Cardiac & Thoracic Surgery Research Institution (ANZCTSRI Ltd) to manage the business aspects of the program. The responsibilities of governance are divided between specialised committees, depicted below.

The Steering Committee provides strategic decision-making activities and oversees successful delivery of the project. The Research Committee reviews all requests for data access and use for research purposes, and the Peer Review and Quality Assurance Committee liaises with sites who do not meet performance standards to strategise methods of improvement.

The Centre of Cardiovascular Research and Education in Therapeutics (CCRET), Monash University, manages and maintains the operations of the Database.

Steering Committee

A/Prof Julie Mundy

Chair, ANZSCTS Database SC

A/Prof Siven Seevanayagam

Deputy Chair, ANZSCTS Database SC / ANZSCTS Surgeon

Director Cardiothoracic Surgery, Austin Health

Prof Christopher Reid

Data Custodian, ANZSCTS Database / Epidemiologist

Co-Director, Centre of Cardiovascular Research and Education in Therapeutics, Monash University

Prof Julian Smith

Chair, ANZSCTSRI Ltd & ANZSCTS Surgeon

Cardiothoracic Surgeon, VIC

Mr Gil Shardey

Former Chair, ANZSCTS Database SC

Cardiac Surgeon, VIC

Mr Andrew Newcomb


Director Cardiothoracic Surgery, St Vincent’s Melbourne

A/Prof Jurgen Passage


Cardiothoracic Surgeon, WA

Mr Hugh Wolfenden

Director Cardiothoracic Surgery, Prince of Wales

Cardiothoracic Surgeon, NSW

Mr Gareth Crouch


Cardiothoracic Surgeon, SA

Dr Christopher Cole


Cardiothoracic Surgeon, QLD

Prof Rob Baker

Director of Cardiac Surgery Research & Perfusion, Flinders Medical Centre

Mr Ashutosh Hardikar


Head of Cardiothoracic Surgery, Royal Adelaide Hospital

Mr Andrew Cochrane


Cardiothoracic Surgeon, VIC

Dr Jordan Ross


Cardiothoracic Surgeon, QLD

Dr Benjamin Robinson


Cardiothoracic Surgeon, NSW

Prof Susannah Ahern

Head, Clinical Outcomes Data Reporting and Research Program

School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University

A/Prof Rochelle Wynne

Data Manager

Associate Professor, Deakin University

Mr Jim Doumtses

Senior Project Officer, System Performance, System Safety Partner

Safer Care Victoria

Ms Angela Brennan

Program Manager / Senior Research Fellow

Cardiac Registries / Centre of Cardiovascular Research and Education in Therapeutics, Monash University

Dr Jenni Williams-Spence

Program Manager / Research Fellow

ANZSCTS Database Program

Dr Lavinia Tran

Program Manager (Research & Projects)

ANZSCTS Database Program

Mr Noah Solman

Program Coordinator

ANZSCTS Database Program

Ms Jenna McLaren

Program Coordinator

ANZSCTS Database Program

Apply to Join the Steering Committee

  • Nominee’s Details

  • Please write a short statement about why you would like to join the steering committee.
  • Proposer Details

    Please enter the details of a senior ANZSCTS member who is supporting your application to join the Database Steering Committee.

Annual Reports

Welcome to our Annual Reports section. The Annual Reports provide a detailed overview of cardiac surgery activity and outcomes in Australia and New Zealand for each year. 

Each report contains de-identified hospital level data separated into major procedural groups:

    • Isolated CABG
    • Isolated AVR
    • AVR combined with CABG

Select the cover images below to access each year’s respective report.

Data Definitions Manual

Available on request to 



A Collaboration Between:

Australian & New Zealand Society of Cardiac & Thoracic Surgeons

ANZSCTS Cardiac Surgery Database

Monash University

Monash Centre of Cardiovascular Research & Education (CCRE) in Therapeutics