ANZSCTS Government Relations Committee

Purpose & Scope

The ANZSCTS is the peak professional body for the cardiothoracic specialty and will advocate on behalf of members, with the government on all MSAC submissions, assessments, proposals and existing MBS Item number reviews. The ANZSCTS Government Relations Committee considers any proposed submissions / assessments / proposals /reviews pertaining to the cardiothoracic specialty and develops the Society’s position with regard to matters of this nature and the implications for cardiothoracic surgeons and the broader healthcare sector. The deliberations and recommendations from the working group are then considered by the ANZSCTS Executive.

Government Relations Committee Members

  • James Edelman – Chair of the committee
  • Emily Granger 
  • Ash Hardikar
  • Jayme Bennetts
  • Phillip Antippa
  • Siven Seevanayagam
  • Jurgen Passage
  • Jazmin Eckhaus
  • Chris Cole
  • Morgan Windsor

Current Professional Advocacy Topics

A list of topics we are currently providing professional advocacy for is available below. This page will be updated as the Society receives updates from the various Department of Health sections.

1. Transcatheter aortic valve implantation.

The Society issued a letter to MSAC on the protocol for the MSAC application 1361. The letter had been sent to the Department of Health which will be considered by the Protocol Advisory Committee.

Letter 2015-2-7


2. MSAC review of left ventricular assist device MBS item numbers.

Paul Jansz and David McGiffin have been engaged to comment.

Letter 2015-3-12


3. MBS review of percutaneous coronary interventions.

The Society will request that the ANZSCTS become an active member on the PCI working group. Providing an advisory role to the working group is not appropriate as it impacts clinical safety and effective service and requires a surgical perspective. The ANZSCTS will be asking for an extension of time to allow the Society to nominate a representative (another month on top of the 12 March deadline).


4. Cardiac MRI Cardiomyopathy.

Feedback Survey


5. Bronchoscopy with thermoplasty.

ANZSCTS Letter 2015-3-25


6.  RACS position statement on the care of the paediatric position statement.

ANZSCTS Reply Letter 12-10-2015


7. Choosing Wisely recommendations on cardiac surgery.

ANZCTS Response


8. RACS review of the post-fellowship education & training program.

ANZSCTS Reply Letter 9-10-15


Comment on Current Advocacy Topics

Members are able to comment on any of the current advocacy topics above by using the form below.


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New Applications for Professional Advocacy

To submit a new application to ANZSCTS please begin by selecting the topic below. Complete the required information fields & upload any relevant documents. The society will contact you for more details if required before the executive assesses the application.