Cardiothoracic Surgery Registrar Research Presentation Day

by | Sep 22, 2021 | News | 0 comments

In lieu of the postponed 3SCTS Meeting and in conjunction with the Cardiothoracic Surgery Trainees Day, the Society is arranging a virtual presentation day to give SET and pre-SET Trainees the opportunity to present their research.

Authors can nominate submission into 2 major categories – poster or oral presentations. The best abstracts will be chosen for presentation on the day, with the opportunity to win the Patrick Pritzwald-Stegmann Cardiothoracic Young Achievers Award for best oral presentation. There will also be a prize for the best poster. Posters will require a short presentation on the day. The abstracts of finalists will be published in Heart, Lung and Circulation.

Download Instructions (pdf)

Key dates

Abstract submission close: Friday 17:00 AEST 15/10/2021
Notification of acceptance: Friday 17:00 AEST 29/10/2021
Submission of final PowerPoint Presentation: Wednesday 17:00 10/11/2021

Abstracts must be submitted by Friday 17:00 AEST 15/10/21 via the abstract submission link on the website. Authors will be notified by Friday 17:00 AEST 29/10/21.

The timeline for submission and preparation is very short – we strongly suggest preparation of a poster/presentation in advance of notification of acceptance of abstract for presentation.

Authors are required to submit abstracts in the following disciplines:

  • Cardiac Surgery
  • Thoracic Surgery
  • Congenital/Transplant
  • Perfusion
  • Anaesthesia – Cardiac
  • Anaesthesia – Echocardiography
  • Research – Clinical
  • Research – Basic Sciences

Abstract Submission Guidelines

Subject to approval of the abstract submission, all successful abstracts will be published online on the Presentations section of and in Heart Lung and Circulation.

  1. Authors of research papers who wish to have their abstracts considered for inclusion in the Trainees presentation day must submit their abstract electronically via the website by 17:00 AEST Friday 15 October 2021. Abstracts submitted after the closing date will not be considered.
  2. The title should be brief and explicit.
  3. Research papers should follow the format – Purpose, Methodology, Results, Conclusion.
  4. Abstracts should be in past tense.
  5. Include author(s) and indicate the presenting author. Please include full given first name and family name, institution/affiliation and state/city and country.
  6. Excluding title, authors and institute, the abstract must not exceed 1,750 characters and spaces (approximately 250 words). In Microsoft word, this count can be determined from the ‘Review menu’. Any references must be included in this allowance. If you exceed this limit, the excess text will NOT appear in the abstract publication.
  7. Abbreviations should be used only in common terms. For uncommon terms, the abbreviation should be given in brackets after the first full use of the word.
  8. Presentations (slide and video) will only have electronic PowerPoint support. Presentation instructions will be issued to all successful authors.
  9. A CV with a 50-word summary is required from each author to facilitate the Chair’s introduction.
  10. The timing (presentation and discussion) of all papers is at the discretion of the Organising Committee.
  11. Notification of the timing of presentations will appear in correspondence sent to all successful authors and published on
  12. Tables, diagrams, graphs, can be accepted by a file upload on a single PDF file of less than 10MB.
  13. Authors must be SET trainees or Pre-SET registrars.
  14. Accepted abstracts will be approved for either research presentation or electronic poster presentation at the discretion of the reviewing committee.

The submitting author of an abstract will ALWAYS receive email confirmation of receipt of the abstract into the submission site. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours, it may mean the abstract has not been received. In this circumstance, please email: to determine why a confirmation email has not been received.


Successful authors will be required to provide an electronic PowerPoint presentation (the default screen format is 16:9 widescreen) in advance by 17:00 AEST 10 November 2021. Email of the file directly or email of a link to the file on cloud storage is accepted. Amendments to the presentation can be made if the file is on cloud storage, but not if a file is emailed. Re-emailing of a file after 17:00 AEST 10 November 2021 will not be accepted.

Note: Presentations are all online via zoom and will be presented from the convenors computer, not from the authors computer. This is for an uninterrupted transition between presentations. Automatic slide advancing is preferred, but voice control of the slides can be used (“next slide”).

Only PowerPoint presentations are accepted.

Electronic Poster Presentations are to be a maximum of 3 slides.

ANZSCTS Executive
Board of Cardiothoracic Surgery


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