Dear Members and Trainees, Building Respect, Improving Patient Safety: An Action Plan on discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment (link to RACS website) Today, RACS published an action plan designed to promote respect, counter discrimination, bullying and sexual...
Latest News
Updates on current advocacy topics from the Government Relation Committee
The ANZSCTS Government Relations Committee page has been updated with the latest correspondence & information on a number of current topics including: MBS review of percutaneous coronary interventions RACS position statement on the care of the paediatric position...
RACS EAG report on discrimination, bullying & sexual harassment in surgery
The Royal Australasian College of Surgeons' Expert Advisory Group (EAG) has released research results and published its draft report to the College on the extent of discrimination, bullying and sexual harassment in the practice of surgery. The report and statements...
Cardiothoracic Trainees Course featured in RACS Surgical News
The July 2015 edition of RACS Surgical News (pg. 30) has featured an article on the ANZSCTS Cardiothoracic Trainees Course. The course was praised for it's practical demonstrations, skills training sessions and wet labs, practice oral exams, and the high-fidelity...
ANZSCTS Database Newsletter Issue 2 – June 2015
Please see link below for the latest newsletter from the ANZSCTS database program. ANZSCTS Database Newsletter Issue 2
National Blood Authority update for ANZSCTS April 2015
Please find below an update from the National Blood Authority focused on cardiothoracic surgery. The Patient Blood Management (PBM) guidelines are also available on their website. ANZSCTS Update April 2015
RACS Support Program (RACSSP)
RACS is pleased to announce the launch of the RACS Support Program (RACSSP). The Surgeons Support Program through Converge International provides confidential counselling, coaching and support for workplace, emotional and personal issues. RACSSP is funded by the...
Acute Coronary Syndromes Clinical Care Standards
The Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care have released their clinical care standards for Acute Coronary Syndromes. This resource provides guidance to clinicians and health service managers on delivering appropriate acute coronary syndromes care....
President’s Autumn 2015 Newsletter
The Autumn 2015 Newsletter from the ANZSCTS President, Prof Paul Bannon is now available to download here.
Cardiac donation after circulatory death at St Vincent’s Hospital
The St Vincent's Hospital Heart Lung Transplant Unit has carried out the world's first distant procurement of hearts donated after circulatory death (DCD). The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute and St Vincent's Hospital jointly developed a special preservation...