BAXTER for the third year have generously offered ANZSCTS members a prestigious education initiative, the ‘Baxter Travelling Educational’ awards for our ANZSCTS SET Trainees/Younger Fellows/Unaccredited Trainees.
ANZSCTS will provide up to 4 awards to recipients from Australia and New Zealand, each at AUD 5000 (ANZSCTS is at the discretion to reduce the number of awards, hence increasing the grant). The grant goes towards attendance at a conference, workshop or hospital visit (hospital unit/ clinical centre), to cover surgeon/trainee travel/associated costs. These will be awarded in sub-specialties of Cardiac and Thoracic.
Who can Apply: Open to current SET Trainees (not an a SIMG), Younger FELLOWS and Unaccredited Trainees of the ANZSCTS, and must be financial members of ANZSCTS. SET Trainees must be current RACS Cardiothoracic Australian and New Zealand Trainees.
To read more and what and how to submit an application please refer to the attached letter.
Deadline for submissions is 1 November to